About Me

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Belgrade, Maine, United States

Monday, July 26, 2010

news about studio/gazebo-July 26 2010

check out my new photos of the gazebo going up and the studio's progress through my facebook link! it is coming along!!!!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

जुलाई १५, 2010

Hello all, It has been a whiule, I have been soooo busy with life that I havent had time to come in and say hi!

The baby-Alanna is one month old today, her and mom and daddy have moved in and LeeLee is excited over being the BIGGER BIGGER sister!

My hand is finally back to working condition although it is rough with haviung not bee working it.

the barn is coming along- I hope to have sold some of the wood from it soon- lot of people saying wow but so far not alot of $$ from it.

So I am back to making pottery and the things I am currently working on are mugs, cups and birdbaths. I am hoping to fire the kiln soon! other artworks are being finished in this long interim of healing! My new gazebo is up and we made the shelving units inside from the barn board and it looks great. Now that I am back in the swing of things and the cpu is up and running again I will be taking picts and letting you all see the process!

God Bless!