and we woke up to a blizzard of great big huge snowflakes- what is up with that, I'd like to know!?!
The kiln is still down and we are wating to hear back from the bank on our loan. it is pretty much a done deal, but we have to wait for the semantics to fall into place and then onward and upward as the saying goes.
the studio is heated now and looking good. It is full of molds that I have been busy working with to see what they hold for treasurable pottery pieces. Have found a lot of vintage mugs...hmm interesting stuff to look forward too!
health is still not looking up...maybe soon by february anyway...they will be sending me to boston fo more opinions...hmmm so sick and tired of being sick and tired if you knw what i mean. and I have a reall bad case of bronchitus to boot!
but anyway I am still plugging and making clay!
God Bless