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Belgrade, Maine, United States

Monday, May 17, 2010

May 17, 2010

Boy is it still too cold for me! I have been busy with friends to clean the scrap out of the yard and building a 12'x12' deck for my pottery stand at home. I have also been busy with the clean up of the barn and selling the wood off slowly. We have people coming in to fix up the house and weatherize it-YEAH!!! and we can play around the appletree...Paul says he hasnt done that since he was a kid! I am now a legal business registered with the town of Belgrade and YES we took a loss this year on the business, but we also now have a means to fire the work steadily! (Thanx To BARB!)

The health has taken a few twists and turns! have another diagnosis- if you can call it that! They say I have fibromyalgia/myofacial pain syndrome and I am doing the circuit with those drugs associatedI have had to undergo the treatment for lime disease because lucky me got bit by one deer tick latched to me for about 24 hours and another that was twice as gorged a day later, so I was given 400 mg of doxycycline. WHAT A TRIP THAT WAS-THE DR COULDNT LISTEN TO ME WHEN I SAID: I have been diagnosed yada yada yada before my husband finally told them to just tell us what symptoms to look for that aren the same as said diagnosis! and then I almost fall out of the appe tree while pruning with Lee-my daughterinlaw- and sliced my hand or rather palm from the top of the thumb area to the wrist- 6 stisches! So I am out of commision in the arts for a few weeks!
will be slowly working on the finishing touches of one commission and getting the classes plaque for the kids to give to their school.

more in a bit

keep plugging at whatever you do and please forgive the typos!

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